I have stressed over the years of warning of this crisis, in which the first birth pangs have some finally come, that we must focus on what we want equally as much as what we don’t want. We must know not only where/what we want to move from but more equally important where/what we want to towards. Just moving is not good enough! We must move forward in the right direction. Nature abhors a vacuum, and these Mafia elements are riddled through strata of society waiting for weakness & ignorance to exploit. We must support those who stand for truth & peace as much as disassociate and remove support for those that do not. Are you ready?

As Italy mourns thousands of coronavirus dead, and survivors brace for life in an economic wasteland, one rung of society looks to win big: organised crime. “The Italian mafia can turn threats into opportunities,” top government anti-mafia investigator Giuseppe Governale told AFP. Over 10,000

Source: Mafia primed to feast on Italy’s virus devastation