Why force me to google the Biden “five-step roadmap” to reopen schools?

Why not just put the link? It makes it look like your preying on the lazy who won’t take the time look, but will take your word for it.

And how can Biden say “President Trump may not think this is a national emergency but I do”?

When he honestly knows that were in multiple national & global emergencies and President Trump has admitted such numerous times. Is he too, just preying on the lazy who won’t fact check that?

I guess it is technically true, if you put the emphasis on ‘may’ right?

Multiple layers. Multiple Emergencies.

What are you doing about it? Get to the root cause, not just the symptom or we don’t come out of emergencies we go into larger, more serious & deadly ones.

Teachers are "scared they’re going to have to stand in front of kids and make promises they cannot keep," Rep. Jahana Hayes told The 19th.

Source: ‘Classrooms are empty’: Biden surrogates hit campaign trail with a focus on safely reopening schools