The slow bleeding of the people can be seen over time. Here is but another snap shot in time that proves the trajectory. As I’ve been warning for years the system itself was unsustainable, it was created to be such, it’s very structure is meant to implode inward to the core through deflation or explode out in inflation. But like frogs boiling in water on a low heat, the temperature rises just slow enough for you to ignore… until it cannot be any longer. I’m here, waiting for you to see the cliffs edge and take peaceful, profitable, legal pre-emptive action. How many more of our fellow sentient human beings, must you watch succumb and starve to the outer fringes, where the current of currency flows to a tiny trickle and then to nothing, before you join the small critical mass needed to make this change? There is a way out. I know of only one that gets the change I assume you want too. Or will it be awake, too late?