For many decades currency has flown wide & free into the technology sector to acquire the technology that will support the status quo, the elite, their institutions and individuals & families closest to the currency creation core.

This is NOT the direction or destination that technology would have naturally, organically arrived at if the economic energy of the 99% of the world’s population was the leading economic energy input.

But as in every other area of our world, the economic energy of the 99% is overpowered by the sheer volume of currency created & distributed from the core 1%. And the this has compounded over decades, or at minimum the last 100 years. They create currency out of nothing, it assumes value being identical to all currency units previously issued.

But it is dilutive, creating another claim-check against the whole, it becomes another smaller piece of the total pie, increasing the numerical value of the denominator (all currency issued), while simultaneously decreasing the value of each numerator, which is the purchasing power of all currency units previously issued. It’s the denominator that most don’t see, people have been programmed to focus on the numerator, but is the whole fraction that must be understood.

Creating currency units out of thin-air creates no new value in the world, as it just dilutes the purchasing power of all existing currency units. But once the new currency is spent it then transfers that value to where it is spent and can begin a life of it’s own. It is a transfer of existing wealth, existing value, at the expense of the whole, the total economy that denominates its transactions within that currency unit.

These central planners and central authorities have not done managed this unmanageable power with the best intentions of the 99%, they have been unworthy stewards of the value created & the method by which it has been distributed.

Thus the affects of the current defunct old out-dated dying structure are seen across the entire world.

It is time to hold them to a simple account, after all, all these actions are being done, at least in lip-service, on behalf of the community, yet without the accountability and transparency to the community that they are supposed to serve.

Does this make sense? What are you questions related to this?

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