I’ve been telling others for years that there are many factions in every ‘free’ (republic/democratic) nation of the world that want to replicate the CCP system in their own countries, for their own power & wealth. They are solidifying that power now during & through this ‘great reset.’ It’s up to the collective, the sum total of each of us individuals, like you and I, how much freedom they get. If you are not yet aware and taking action to diminish their ability and increase your own, then you’re not even in the game that’s being played, but regardless, it will impact your life and all generations who come after us. Now is time of judgement, of an accounting, but instead of coming clean they want to quickly ‘evolve’ society past the judgement to where they will never be held accountable.

I only know one way out. What do you know? What are you doing about it?

Hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers could be sharing personal info without their knowledge or consent.

Source: Chinese smart TVs are snooping on their owners