There are many different pillars on which society rest. The foundation of current structure is the U.S. Dollar as the Reserve Currency of the World. My conclusion is that the USD will not be the Reserve Currency of the World much longer.


Here some the reasons this time is different.


Globally connected. All other past crisis have been limited to an economic-geographic location. There were always unaffected areas of the world that nations could trade with, devalue against, to offset a economic contraction. This is the first time that a truly global crisis will occur. Post-Lehman was only a small tremor that was paper-over with freshly created currency units, only making the debt problem even larger. 

Personally connected. This is the first time that all nations have the world have the potential to communicate with those that they know around the world to move the conversation forward for peace, good health and global, sustainable prosperity. Through out human history, when a tribe or nation got riled up into a nationalist fervor, the mob-mentality,  those dynamics did not all rational voices to be heard & followed. The vast majority of the human population are peaceful, just, freedom-loving individuals, now we can connect and collectively challenge the legacy institutions and structures that have provably led countries to war.

U.S. Military Hegemony. The U.S. cannot win a war against Russia, China, Iran & North Korea. Even if a traditional ‘victory’ could be achieved our physical world would be irreparably destroyed.

Nuclear War & Ultimate Annihilation. We must peacefully remove the threat of global nuclear war. Any degree of use, in any future conflict, will leave the world with a wound from which it may not recover both physically, socially, politically and spiritually.

Current Legacy Structures are again leading us to conflict and greater forms of slavery. They are jockeying for relevance, for their existence, in our future evolved structures. They again want to control not only channels of value, the distribution channels, eliminating and minimizing competition, they also want to have the same power to force their own ‘currency’ that the masses are required to conduction voluntary exchanges of goods and services. They must be confronted on a grass roots level. Everyone on must action individually now. We do this through individual actions based on truth that will collectively result in resistance, restoration and a sustainable peace. Preparing, protecting, profiting for the power and influence of good. Gold, but especially silver are the safest, surest, tried and tested to transition wealth to the new paradigm.

BTC and Crypto-currency, can be a tool to keep communally owned institutions & structures accountable and transparent or it could be a tool that is used for digital supremacy by authoritarian, top-down structures to maintain power, even against the consent of the governed. The rising price of BTC is a cry for the value of truth. The same tools & methods of manipulating and suppressing the price of gold, and especially the silver, are weak in the face of this structure outside of their control, that would require them to show their hand to regain control. The interplay between these opposite forms of ‘money’ will be either indicative of, or determine our future.

Debt Saturation. There is a limit to the quantity of debt relative to income & assets where every individual, family, company, city, state, and country can manage before bankruptcy. If you are young you can mortgage away decades of potential income, but not centuries.

False Flags, Fake News, Mistrust. Many institutions, structures, families, individuals have been preparing for this time in human history for power & wealth. Some are actors, or hire actors, pretending, lying, deceiving. Since it became legal to use propaganda against the U.S. public this has only increased. This includes an array of deceptive plans and tools, such as a alien incursion that must be met with violence and war.

Religious Participants and the ‘End-times.’ Regardless of whether you believe the Abrahamic religion’s versions of the future, or not, it doesn’t matter. There are billions of people in the world who do, who have been preparing for the ‘End-times’ for millennia. Some of these prophecies include massive shedding of blood and destruction across the world.