Each individual’s action will culminate into powerful collective action & impact.

Each individual takes action because it is in their own best interest, based on logical, reasonable, factual reasons. The sum total of each individual’s action will decide our post-crisis world.

During the ‘Great Reset’ we have legal, peaceful, profitable, logical, factual reasons to present, to compel you to take action for your own protection, your profit, and for the still elusive, sustainable peace. Regardless of the degree of our collective action, I promise you that you will be better off for taking action. This is designed to help you, your community, your city, your state, your country and even our whole world. The interests of 99% are not being represented by the global elites. This is designed to give us a seat at the discussion table at minimum, or even better, with enough action, could put us in a position to dictate the terms of our post-crisis world. Humans have struggled under oppression, corruption, top-down authoritarian structures for millennia, by taking action, sharing what we know with others we can finally, peacefully, take the freedom that so many of our ancestors fought and died for over the next 6 months.

Along the same line, solutions must not be at the individuals expense for the collective. It must be a fair solution both for the weak and the strong, the old and the young, the rich and the poor, and all those in between. The worse atrocities in human history have been committed by the those inside institutions, that have either given or assumed authority & a monopoly on the use of force on behalf of the collective. It would be better that a millstone be hung around your neck and thrown into the ocean than to cause the little ones to stumble and fall.


Truth will set the world free. But the path to finding the truth has it’s uncomfortable moments. You must be willing to experience the emotions that come when looking for fact. Then hold onto known facts, regardless of emotion, until a greater truth replaces it, while also actively look for greater truths, the nuances  and their inter-relations. It is not a destination but a journey. Prepare for you journey.

Truths challenge our assumptions, our character, and our actions beckoning us to change. Your action based on an understood truth is a precondition for an understanding of more truth. Truth causes division and at the a unification around Truth. We must search for truth as the very little children do, with no prejudice, with no bias. Most are anxious, eager, and happy to learn the truth outside the periphery of their knowledge. If we resist truth, or the search for truth we create barriers of understanding in that particular field and remain in our own echo-chamber. Truth is valuable, priceless, profitable.

We must zero in on the most impactful points of interaction. Discuss and agree on the world that we want. Discuss and agree on checks and balances, and on the checks and balances to the same.

The U.S.A., Japan and other ‘developed nations’ cannot win the multiple potential conflicts using violence.

There is only one way to peacefully win on the multiple fronts on which the game is being aggressively played. The only way that the U.S. and Japan have the competitive edge, critical to win, is to stand on truth and freedom enshrined in the founding documents. Truth leads to liberty, freedom of choice, justice, individual rights and peace. The division and resistance will be from legacy institutions, individuals, families & rogue actions that will lie, promising more security, better health, while they deliver & profit from less liberty, less freedom of choice, less justice and individuals rights.



A society cannot survive long-term on violence, or the threat of violence for mass participation indefinitely thus participation should be voluntary. 

As long as your pursuit of ‘Life, Liberty & Happiness,’ is not at the expense of the unaware, or the unwilling, then you are free to do an act as you please.

Freedom includes the freedom to walk away without violence or the threat of violence.

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, the Unalienable Individual Sovereign Rights are what over 95% of the world’s people want. The only way that Japan & the U.S., which were founded and these principles, can win the battle within, and the war without, is to stand for the highest level of truth & individual freedom that the world has ever seen.


Aware voluntary consent is understanding the consequences of agreement, a clear understanding of the facts, including why a fact is fact.

Human beings are not cattle, where only virtue of being born into a tribe or nation, he or she is required to accept undisclosed, and disclosed, terms of society. Parents cannot enslave, or make agreements on behalf of their off-spring. Generational indentured servitude is immoral, unsustainable and should be illegal.

Voluntary Awareness requires clearly defined Terms of Service, Disclosures for all interaction. This should include Privacy Policies.



We transition best by holding individuals to the oaths of office. We must stand on the shoulders of those that have gone before us. We do not want to start from scratch, from disarray, destruction of infrastructure, poverty, starvation, social unrest, violence, death. The clearest, cleanest, most peaceful path to a better future is to hold accountable and transparent, the people inside of institutions and systems, that have been created to serve the community, to their oaths of office to the community.  We can then build a better future by peacefully disengaging from destructive unsustainable structures, using our freedom of choice, and allow new structures and systems to emerge.



Freedom of choice will allow the best solutions to come to the fore.

Freedom of choice will allow for the mistakes of those that go with the herd, and those that do not go with the herd. As long as it does not violate the individual life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of another sovereign sentient being (without their aware voluntary aware consent) then it should be allowed. Yes, it will allow for wrong choices, but it is the only circumstance whereby truth, life, sustainability is guaranteed. 

Freedom of choice, is the freedom to walk away without violence or the threat of violence for your participation. Violence includes theft of possessions, forfeiture of the fruit of your labor.



We must actively pursue and support methods by which the truth is revealed. It must be profitable to tell the truth. It must be profitable to provide a better alternative. It must be encouraged & profitable to challenge truth, the ‘facts’ in all areas, of science, politics, religion. Facts are ‘truths.’ Facts do not need to be taken by ‘faith,’ they do not need a ‘call to authority,’ or any other prop to remain as fact. Facts stand on their own. A mechanism is at hand, using technology to map out established ‘facts’ in any area of our world, and create incentivizes by which ‘facts’ can be challenged, dethroned, without manipulation. These ‘facts’ are often the building blocks of theories that shape our world.



All public institutions, communal institutions and the individuals who work within them are to be accountable and transparent to the communities which they serve. Any structure that does not allow this accountability and transparency is already in dangerous territory. The worst atrocities have happened by communal institutions. Safe guards, and methods must always be in place that allow any community to peacefully dismantle any institution, and remove any individual from the institution. Safeguards, such as a limited, expiring charters, should be included at the start, so that a community need only not extend the charter for it to dissolve naturally. Methods to offer & transition to alternative solutions, institutions, methods to achieve the same stated goals must be encouraged & incentivized, such as golden parachutes, and bounties. Communal institutions must not be able to manipulate value (currency, goods, services) that incentive or penalize the population to remain relevant. If the truth is incentivized then this will not be possible.

Accountability and transparency should never be out of balance, or held the wrong way. The individuals of the community hold the power over any communal institution.



The only choice that we must agree on being unilaterally opposed to is a ‘choice’ that is really no choice, where if you do not agree it is met with violence & the threat of violence to bring your coerced participation. A ‘choice’ that requires violence for participation is unsustainable. This one ‘choice’ must be met with all the opposition of the peaceful people of the world.