The banks forgot what their original job was, made it difficult for others to do it for them, and some people are resorting to this. The law of unintended consequences at play.

Don’t you know what a ‘Bank’ is? What is supposed to be? Do? It is merely a supporting structure, or material if you like, that enables a free flow of value.

Like a bank of a river, but as the Christ said ‘but ye would not.’

Like Lucifer who wasn’t content to be the lightbearer, it/he/she wanted to be the light, you wanted to be more than you were freely given, and your ‘love’ (aka uninvited jealous controlling obsession) of money (aka value, human labor encapsulated) is the root that leads to all evil.

You are merely the passage ways by which the sap circulates and gives life to the tree. Remember your place you bankers. A house divided cannot stand.

The buyers paid nearly $27 million for the units at Waterline Square, a three-tower complex on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

Source: WSJ News Exclusive | South American Family Buys Eight New York Apartments to Stash Cash Amid Coronavirus