China has been playing the ‘soft-power’ game for decades, but while the world is dealing a crisis (courtesy of China) they are starting to flex the ‘hard-power’ that they’ve been preparing for so long with the debt-induced spending of the U.S., Europe & Japan Disputed Islands in South China Sea, Nepal Borders, Taiwan, and of course to Hong Kong where they’ve already arrested those who don’t speak the decided orthodoxy. This is only the beginning unless the peaceful, freedom-loving, intelligent people of the world start to promote the extraction of their economic energy from this anti-…….. (fill in your blank) system. Stop buying S…t from China. You are responsible for what you support, and challenge others to do the same regardless of the feelings/emotions that it may invoke. We get the world we deserve. I deserve a better one than this. Talk is cheap, action is everything. They’re playing for keeps! Start an Economic Boycott while it can still make a difference, for if you don’t the night comes when no man can work.

President Xi Jinping signs the law just over a month after the bill was first introduced by the central government.

Source: Hong Kong adopts national security law with life in jail maximum penalty