Saudi Arabia carried out 800 executions under King Salman
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia… Source: Saudi Arabia carried out 800 executions under King Salman
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 24, 2020 | Debt Fiat Currency System, Freedom Erosion, Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Politics, Religion, Violence | 0 |
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia… Source: Saudi Arabia carried out 800 executions under King Salman
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 23, 2020 | Consumerism, Religion | 0 |
By their fruits ye shall know them. EARTH-DAY/POPE (PIX, TV):On Earth Day, pope says nature will not forgive our trespassesSource: On Earth Day, pope says nature will not forgive our trespasses
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 21, 2020 | Middle East, Military Industrial Complex, Politics, Religion, Turkey, Violence, War | 0 |
There is war brewing in the middle east. It starts with little moves like this. As oil demand gets crushed, watch more desperate moves, more extreme moves, more religious fundamentalist, extremist moves start. (Bloomberg)...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 21, 2020 | Debt Fiat Currency System, Institutional, Iran, Manipulation, Military Industrial Complex, Politics, Predators, Religion, Violence, War | 0 |
War in the mid-east is one of the next domino to fall. You must be educated about why, so that your country does NOT get involved and be a force for peace in the world. It is a message to Israel, the US and allies: We can reach...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Debt Fiat Currency System, FED, Freedom, Freedom Erosion, Institutional, Manipulation, Politics, Predators, Religion, Treasury, Unintended Consequences, USA | 0 |
This time they would like to operate with even less scrutiny than they did the last crisis. What do you want to see? What will you allow? Do you realize you are paying for it? A little-noticed provision of the Senate bill...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Abuse, China, Covid-19, Freedom, Freedom Erosion, Institutional, Military Industrial Complex, Predators, Religion, Violence | 0 |
They have been playing the long game since the 40’s. Qui Bono. But regardless of whether it is proved or not, that it could have been should be alarm enough to you, that you personally decide to take action to limit these...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Abuse, China, Corruption, Covid-19, Freedom Erosion, Institutional, Military Industrial Complex, Predators, Religion, Violence | 0 |
Is this the type of leadership the free world wants? You get what you accept, what you allow and conversely you disallow what you do not accept. This is a sick structure that is responsible for a sickness spreading. It’s...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Bailouts, Corruption, Debt, Debt Fiat Currency System, FED, Free Money, Freedom Erosion, Institutional, Manipulation, Money, Politics, Religion, Treasury, USA | 0 |
Be ready for more. This is a revaluation of debt. This is how they are trying to renew the debt fiat currency system for one last hoopla. Everyone is a speculator now. You have no choice. Better learn, educate yourself, so you...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Institutional, Politics, Predators, Religion, Violence | 0 |
There is both a obvious threat and an analogous one for you personally. There are those who will take advantage of a crisis. To dismiss this historical fact is to behold your face in a mirror and straight way forget what manner...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Apr 15, 2020 | Bailouts, Corruption, Institutional, Money, Politics, Religion, USA | 0 |
The days of this type of bailout are numbered. Can you not discern the signs of the times? Judging by the performance of the stock market, the economic recovery from the pandemic lockdown should be swift and dramatic, a...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Jan 26, 2020 | Abuse, Corruption, Institutional, Religion, Sports | 0 |
Everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be revealed that they are not wrought in God. #GoodShepherd #ByTheirFruitsYeShallKnowThem <p>Source: NFL’s Saints fight to shield...
Read Moreby HindSightis2020 | Jan 4, 2020 | Religion, Violence, War | 0 |
Sadly, here we are again. The only way past these systemic opposing machines of war, these systems, is for the peaceful people in each to have a voice, clout, influence, unity over what the peaceful majority want. This is one of...
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